Many Americans have TOO MUCH of everything, I invite you to “use what have” for ONE WEEK!
It’s best to start this at the end of the week, close to when you would normally do your grocery shopping 🙂
For one week, seven days, you avoid the grocery store and live off what you have without stocking up.
If you run out of meat or bread or milk or cereal, you try to find a substitute for 7 days, I know you have at least one can of beans in your pantry that can replace meat OR that wacky frozen dinner you found at Costco and never used.
In the comments share any really creative recipes that you came up with!
share before and after pics of your pantry and fridge via email at
If you are interested in sharing your experiences with this challenge, I would love to hear them!
I’m starting the challenge today, 10/30/13, and I will update my results next Wednesday! BTW, I really needed to go to the store today! I’m out of so many things, this should really be a challenge for me!